Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lone Ranger Birthday Party

Is it just me or does anyone else LOVE birthdays? Growing up, my parents always made it such a huge deal whenever me or my sister had a birthday.  We would come home from school and there would be balloons and party decorations everywhere and then we would get to go out for a big birthday dinner and come home and open presents.  I guess that's why I go a little overboard for birthday parties.  My hubby kept telling me to remember it's just a 6 six year old birthday party! I can't help it, its fun!

The birthday boy all dressed up!

My son was dead set on having a LEGO themed Lone Ranger party, but when I saw this vintage 1954 Lone Ranger lunch box, I decided to go the vintage route. Plus, he loves watching the old Lone Ranger westerns with his daddy so I figured he would like this just as well.

We borrowed a western backdrop from our church and set it up for a photobooth in the backyard. The kids had a blast dressing up and taking pictures.  They are such hams!

Root Beer Floats

Rice Krispie Hay Stacks

Water Balloon Shoot-out

Free Printables:

Goody bags (fold and staple to top of 4x6 clear plastic bag)
Happy Birthday Banner
Bubble Refill Station sign
Loot Sign (for gift table)
Horse Parking sign
Waterin Hole sign

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